Password Generator vs Passphrase Generator - Which is Better?

July 16, 2021

Password Generator vs Passphrase Generator - Which is Better?

Are you tired of trying to come up with new and secure passwords for your online accounts? Password generators and passphrase generators are two popular solutions to this problem. But which is better? In this post, we'll compare the two methods to help you pick the best option for your cybersecurity needs.

What is a Password Generator?

A password generator is a tool that creates a random string of characters, including letters, numbers, and symbols, that can be used as a password. They are commonly built into password managers or offered online. Password generators are often customizable, allowing you to specify the length and complexity of the password.

What is a Passphrase Generator?

A passphrase generator creates a memorable string of words that can be used as a password. Passphrases are typically longer than passwords, making them more secure against brute-force attacks. Passphrase generators often incorporate random words based on various criteria, such as length or complexity.

Comparison of Password Generator and Passphrase Generator

Here are some key factors to consider when comparing password and passphrase generators:


When it comes to security, both password and passphrase generators can be effective at creating strong and unique passwords. Passwords generated by password generators tend to be more secure because they are more complex, containing a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Passphrases, on the other hand, are more resilient against dictionary attacks, as they are longer and composed of multiple words, making them harder to crack.


Password generators often create passwords that are difficult to remember because they are just a jumble of characters. Passphrase generators create memorable passwords because they consist of whole words, but they are longer and harder to type correctly.

Ease of Use

Password generators are generally easier to use because the generated password can be quickly copied and pasted into the desired field. Passphrase generators require more manual typing, which may be inconvenient for some users.


Most online platforms only allow a certain number of characters for passwords, and some exclude the use of spaces. Password generators are more compatible with these platforms as they generate passwords with limited special characters while passphrase generators cannot create passphrases that fit these requirements.

So, Which One Should You Use?

Both password and passphrase generators can help you create strong passwords to better protect your accounts. However, when choosing a password or passphrase generator, it's important to consider your own personal needs and preferences.

If you need a password that is easily copy-pasteable into multiple accounts on different platforms, then password generators may be more suitable for you. But if you want a more secure option with better resilience against dictionary attacks, then passphrase generators may be the better option for you.

There isn't necessarily one superior option, it is up to each user to decide based on their preference.


To learn more about password and passphrase security, check out the resources below:

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